Accessing the System

The platform can be accessed in a number of ways:

  1. Physical access

  2. Remote access within the Douglas

Physical Access

Physical access to a suite of workstations is available inside the Douglas CIC, contact the CIC Administrative Assistant (Louis Théroux) for keycard access.

Remote Access within the Douglas

All platform hardware is accessible within the Douglas Research Centre network via ssh. The main user server is available at cicus03, the storage server at cicss05 and workstations are available in the range cicws[01..48] and dnpws[01..12].

Playing nice

Neuroinformatics workstations all allow for multiple simultaneous users, please make a best effort to choose a workstation not already being used by others.

The command who can list currently logged-in users, while htop will show a graphical display of the current state of CPU and Memory utilization.

In general, fewer users is better, as well as low CPU and memory utilization (represented by the length of the horizontal coloured bars in htop)

Graphical Access

In addition to shell access on workstations via SSH, access to a full graphical desktop is available via X2GO which rides on SSH. Install the local client, create a connection to a workstation and specify the LXDE desktop type for a minimal-graphical-features remote desktop with features equivalent to sitting at a workstation.